The Abandon
Jason SatterlundSchauspieler:
Jonathan Rosenthal, Tamara Perry, Regis Terencio, Dan Kyle, Priscilla AvilaDer verletzte US-Soldat Miles Willis erwacht und stellt fest, dass er nur mit seiner Kampfausrüstung bewaffnet in einem geheimnisvollen Würfel gefangen ist. Als Miles anfängt, an seinem Verstand zu zweifeln, findet er einen Rettungsanker – eine Stimme am anderen Ende seines Satellitentelefons, die behauptet, in einem ähnlichen Raum gefangen zu sein. Als die Wände näher kommen, müssen diese beiden Fremden ihre Köpfe zusammenstecken, wenn sie ihre Entführer überlisten und dieses tödliche Rätsel lösen wollen.
Injured U.S. soldier Miles Willis awakens to discover he is trapped in a mysterious cube armed only with his combat gear. As Miles begins to question his sanity, he finds a lifeline – a voice on the other end of his satellite phone who claims to be a prisoner in a similar space. As the walls close in, these two strangers must put their heads together if they are to outwit their captors and unlock this deadly puzzle.
Injured U.S. soldier Miles Willis awakens to discover he is trapped in a mysterious cube armed only with his combat gear. As Miles begins to question his sanity, he finds a lifeline – a voice on the other end of his satellite phone who claims to be a prisoner in a similar space. As the walls close in, these two strangers must put their heads together if they are to outwit their captors and unlock this deadly puzzle.