The Ambush
Pierre MorelSchauspieler:
Marwan Abdullah, Khalifa Al Jassem, Mohammed Ahmed, Abdulla Saeed Bin Haider, Saeed Alharsh, Hassan Yousuf Alblooshi, Khalifa Albahri, Ghanim Nasser, Mansoor AlfeeliIm Jemen bringen im Winter 2018 bewaffnete Gruppierungen die herrschende Macht ins Wanken. Das Nachbarland, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, hat Interventionseinheiten in das Land entsandt. Bevor sie ihre Heimreise antreten können, müssen Ali (Omar Bin Haider), Bilal (Khalifa Al Jassem) und Hindasi (Mohamed Ahmed) noch eine letzte Erkundungsmission durchführen. Aber es kommt anders: Sie werden von den Rebellen in eine Falle gelockt und das ohne Aussicht auf Unterstützung und ohne Funkkontakt. Die Hoffnung schwindet von Minute zu Minute, doch das ist erst der Beginn einer waghalsigen Rettungsmission.
It is the winter of 2018, the men and women of the UAE military are deployed to provide aid. At the Mocha Base, spirits are high as three Emirati soldiers anticipate an imminent return home. While on their final routine patrol, the three soldiers, Ali, Bilal and Hindasi are ambushed by heavily armed militants on their route, through a narrow canyon. Trapped, wounded, and out of communication range, the three soldiers realize the gravity of their situation. They are running out of options, munitions - and time. Back at the base, their commander receives word and realizes that the assault on the UAE army patrol was premeditated. A rescue mission is quickly put into action, but will air and land support reach the men in time, and will they survive?
It is the winter of 2018, the men and women of the UAE military are deployed to provide aid. At the Mocha Base, spirits are high as three Emirati soldiers anticipate an imminent return home. While on their final routine patrol, the three soldiers, Ali, Bilal and Hindasi are ambushed by heavily armed militants on their route, through a narrow canyon. Trapped, wounded, and out of communication range, the three soldiers realize the gravity of their situation. They are running out of options, munitions - and time. Back at the base, their commander receives word and realizes that the assault on the UAE army patrol was premeditated. A rescue mission is quickly put into action, but will air and land support reach the men in time, and will they survive?