The Child - Die Stadt wird zum Alptraum
Aldo LadoSchauspieler:
George Lazenby, Anita Strindberg, Adolfo Celi, Dominique Boschero, Peter Chatel, Piero Vida, José Quaglio, Alessandro Haber, Nicoletta Elmi, Rosemarie Lindt, Giovanni Forti Rosselli, Filippo PeregoFranco (George Lazenby), ein in Venedig lebender Bildhauer, erhält Besuch von seiner kleinen Tochter (Nicoletta Elmi), die bei ihrer Mutter (Anita Strindberg) lebt. Doch die Freude über den Besuch ist nur von kurzer Dauer: Am nächsten Morgen treibt das Kind tot in einem Kanal. Wie ein Besessener und blind vor Trauer beginnt Franco, sich auf die Suche nach dem Kindermörder zu machen, der die Lagunenstadt in Angst und Schrecken versetzt.
A young girl is brutally murdered somewhere in France. Sometime later, the same thing happens to the daughter of a well-known sculptor. This time the parents (the sculptor and his wife) start investigating, and soon find they are in way over their head. Meanwhile, the body-count keeps rising as the killer now starts butchering all those who find out too much...
A young girl is brutally murdered somewhere in France. Sometime later, the same thing happens to the daughter of a well-known sculptor. This time the parents (the sculptor and his wife) start investigating, and soon find they are in way over their head. Meanwhile, the body-count keeps rising as the killer now starts butchering all those who find out too much...