The Curse
David KeithSchauspieler:
Wil Wheaton, Claude Akins, Malcolm Danare, Cooper Huckabee, John Schneider, Amy Wheaton, Steve Carlisle, Kathleen Jordon Gregory, Hope North, Steve DavisDer junge Zack Hayes lebt und arbeitet mit seiner Mutter und seiner kleinen Schwester Alice auf einer Farm, die vom tyrannischen Stiefvater bewirtschaftet wird. Eines Nachts landet ein Meteor hinter dem Haus, zerschmilzt zu einer schleimigen Masse und gelangt so ins Grundwasser. Daraufhin beginnen Früchte und Vieh zu verfaulen und zu mutieren. Auch die Hayes wuchern zu mordlustigen Pestbeulen heran, nur Zack und Alice, die das verdorbene Essen verschmäht hatten, können mit Hilfe des Dorfarztes fliehen, bevor die ganze Farm von unheimlichen Kräften zerstört wird.
Recht ansprechende Horrorproduktion.
Nathan Hayes is a religious man trying to hold onto his farm and keep his family in line. A real estate developer is trying to buy most of the farm property in the area, including Mr. Hayes family farm, in the hope that the Tennesse Valley Authority will choose the town for the site of a new dam and recreational area. The night of a terrible storm, an unidentified, glowing object crashes on the Hayes farm and with it comes a horrible curse for the Hayes family and the members of the community.
Nathan Hayes is a religious man trying to hold onto his farm and keep his family in line. A real estate developer is trying to buy most of the farm property in the area, including Mr. Hayes family farm, in the hope that the Tennesse Valley Authority will choose the town for the site of a new dam and recreational area. The night of a terrible storm, an unidentified, glowing object crashes on the Hayes farm and with it comes a horrible curse for the Hayes family and the members of the community.