The Journey - Die Legende vom guten Dieb
Kobun ShizunoSchauspieler:
Toru Furuya, Kotono Mitsuishi, Hiroshi Kamiya, Yuichi Nakamura, Kazuya Nakai, Takaya KurodaAws ist eigentlich nur ein einfacher Töpfer in Mekka, obwohl er eine dunkle Vergangenheit hat. Die Stadt ist kurz davor, vom übermächtigem Herrscher Abrahas und seinen Horden eingenommen zu werden. Ein grausames Schicksal, denn der Feind möchte die Bewohner Mekkas versklaven und die heilige Kaaba zerstören. Das kann Aws auf gar keinen Fall zulassen! Zusammen mit dem Widerstand stürzt er sich mutig in einen epischen Kampf für die Freiheit.
As a ruthless invader threatens to enslave their people and destroy the Kaaba, a sacred sanctuary, the people of Mecca take up arms. Only able to muster a small force against the massive army, defeat seems all but inevitable. Aus, a seemingly simple potter fighting to protect his family, is forced to reveal his dark past. Abraha's army is fast approaching, and the fate of Mecca and its people hangs in the balance. Will the people of Mecca defeat the colossal army with nothing but their simple defenses and their love for their city?
As a ruthless invader threatens to enslave their people and destroy the Kaaba, a sacred sanctuary, the people of Mecca take up arms. Only able to muster a small force against the massive army, defeat seems all but inevitable. Aus, a seemingly simple potter fighting to protect his family, is forced to reveal his dark past. Abraha's army is fast approaching, and the fate of Mecca and its people hangs in the balance. Will the people of Mecca defeat the colossal army with nothing but their simple defenses and their love for their city?