The Lost Battalion - Zwischen allen Linien
Russell MulcahySchauspieler:
Ricky Schroder, Jamie Harris, Adam James, Daniel Caltagirone, André Vippolis, Adam Kotz, Anthony Azizi, Wolf Kahler, Joachim Paul Assböck, Michael Brandon, Tim Matthews, Phil McKee, Jay Rodan, Michael Goldstrom, Rhys Miles Thomas, Arthur KremerIm Frühjahr 1918 schickt ein ehrgeiziger US-General die ohnehin schon angeschlagene 77. Infanteriedivision unter Leitung des ebenso unerfahrenen wie peinlich korrekten Major Whittlesey hinter die feindlichen Linien, um dort einen Vorposten zur Not bis zum letzten Mann gegen eine hundertfache deutsche Übermacht zu behaupten. Wider Erwarten wachsen Whittlesey und seine Mannen im Sperrfeuer fremder und manchmal sogar eigener Truppen über sich selbst hinaus und beschleunigen das nahende Ende des Krieges beträchtlich.
Basierend auf einer historischen Begebenheit singt dieser aufwendig arrangierte Kriegsfilm das Hohelied auf die einfachen Soldaten, brave Farmersöhne und unerschütterliche Ghettokids allesamt, wie sie von gewissenlosen Upper-class-Twits sinnlos verheizt werden, trotzdem niemals aufgeben und den staunenden Hunnen zeigen, wie man mit bloßem Bajonett ganze Schützengräben auskehrt.
Fact-based war drama about an American battalion of over 500 men which gets trapped behind enemy lines in the Argonne Forest in October 1918 France during the closing weeks of World War I. Based on a true story, The Lost Battalion is set in 1918 during the final months of WWI. Assigned to capture an enemy stronghold in Charlvaux at the height of the Argonne campaign, the men of the AEF 308th Battalion, 77th Division, are led by young American major Charles Whittlesey, an inexperienced but dedicated "citizen soldier." Totally cut off from the other allied troops, unaware of their vulnerability, and barraged by "friendly fire," the 500-plus men of the 308th bravely hold their position, suffering incredible losses and unspeakable deprivations in the process -- while the battalion's superior officers, far from the firing line, callously prepare to write off the men as expendable casualties.
Fact-based war drama about an American battalion of over 500 men which gets trapped behind enemy lines in the Argonne Forest in October 1918 France during the closing weeks of World War I. Based on a true story, The Lost Battalion is set in 1918 during the final months of WWI. Assigned to capture an enemy stronghold in Charlvaux at the height of the Argonne campaign, the men of the AEF 308th Battalion, 77th Division, are led by young American major Charles Whittlesey, an inexperienced but dedicated "citizen soldier." Totally cut off from the other allied troops, unaware of their vulnerability, and barraged by "friendly fire," the 500-plus men of the 308th bravely hold their position, suffering incredible losses and unspeakable deprivations in the process -- while the battalion's superior officers, far from the firing line, callously prepare to write off the men as expendable casualties.