The Pink Cloud - Zusammen. Allein. Für immer.
Iuli GerbaseSchauspieler:
Renata de Lélis, Eduardo Mendonça, Kaya Rodrigues, Helena Becker, Girley PaesEine mysteriöse, rosafarbene Giftwolke zwingt die Menschen in ihren Häusern zu bleiben. Auch Giovana und Yago, die sich gerade erst auf einer Party kennengelernt hatten, stecken nun nach ihrem One Night Stand unfreiwillig zusammen in Giovanas Wohnung fest. Gemeinsam versuchen sie, diese Ausnahmesituation zu überstehen, sich aneinander zu gewöhnen und warten darauf, dass die Wolke wieder verschwindet.
Preisgekröntes Drama aus Brasilien, noch vor Corona entstanden, über Zweisamkeit in einer Ausnahmesituation.
Giovana and Yago are strangers who share a spark after meeting at a party. When a deadly cloud mysteriously takes over their city, they are forced to seek shelter with only each other for company. As months pass and the planet settles into an extended quarantine, their world shrinks, and they are forced to come to terms with an accelerated timeline for their relationship. With all their other interactions governed by screens, and with the strain of isolation setting in, Giovana and Yago struggle to reinvent themselves and reconcile the differences that threaten to tear them apart.
Giovana and Yago are strangers who share a spark after meeting at a party. When a deadly cloud mysteriously takes over their city, they are forced to seek shelter with only each other for company. As months pass and the planet settles into an extended quarantine, their world shrinks, and they are forced to come to terms with an accelerated timeline for their relationship. With all their other interactions governed by screens, and with the strain of isolation setting in, Giovana and Yago struggle to reinvent themselves and reconcile the differences that threaten to tear them apart.