The Stone Angel
Kari SkoglandSchauspieler:
Ellen Burstyn, Christine Horne, Cole Hauser, Kevin Zegers, Ellen Page, Dylan Baker, Wings Hauser, Jordan TodoseyAls der Sohn und die Schwiegertochter mit ihr wie zufällig den nahegelegenen Altenstift ansteuern, in dem es ja so schön sein soll, wittert die rüstige Rentnerin Hagar Shipley sofort die Falle und nutzt die erstbeste Gelegenheit zur Flucht. Per Linienbus und mit einigen Umwegen erreicht sie schließlich den am Pazifik gelegenen Ort ihrer Jugend. Unterwegs rekapituliert sie ihr bewegtes Leben, lässt Kindertage, die Ehejahre mit dem armen Farmer und ihren Bruch mit der reichen Familie Revue passieren.
The feisty aging Hagar Shipley has lived an unconventional life. Her rebellious heart has always ruled and her choices have put her at odds with family and friends. Faced with her own mortality, and desperate to find solace, she goes on the run. In both the past and the present, she is forced to come to terms with the pain and pleasure, the disappointments and the exhilarations of her life.
The feisty aging Hagar Shipley has lived an unconventional life. Her rebellious heart has always ruled and her choices have put her at odds with family and friends. Faced with her own mortality, and desperate to find solace, she goes on the run. In both the past and the present, she is forced to come to terms with the pain and pleasure, the disappointments and the exhilarations of her life.