The Undead - Quelle der Verdammnis
Micheal BafaroSchauspieler:
Liane Balaban, Luis Guzmán, Erin Karpluk, Erica Cerra, Colin Cunningham, Jessica Kate Meyer, Jody York, Blake Stadel, Vince Murdocco, Christopher Redman, Beau Daniels, Charles ZuckermanVor sechs Jahren verlor Jessica ihre Eltern bei einem mysteriösen Autounfall, den sie selbst unversehrt überlebte, bei dem ihre Eltern aber spurlos verschwanden. Jetzt werden Erinnerungen an das damalige Geschehen wach, als Jessica mit ein paar Freunden in eine angeblich stillgelegte Klinik eindringt, um dort einen Horrorfilm zu drehen. Wie sich heraus stellt, wirkt in den Eingeweiden des düsteren Komplexes ein verrückter Wissenschaftler, der Tote zurück ins Leben holt und mehr über den Verbleib von Jessies Eltern weiß.
Wieder einmal dient ein angemessen abweisendes Geisterhaus, oder, genauer gesagt, eine Geisterklapsmühle, als Handlungsort für einen dürftig ausgeleuchteten Tote-Teenager-Film der dritten US-Liga. Weil das allein als Konzept nicht genug hergibt (besonders mit so flachen Charakteren wie in diesem Fall), wartet in den von einem Mad Scientist bewachten Katakomben auch noch ein Rudel fressgeiler Zombies auf das Signal zum Aufstand. Kaum besonders originell oder blutig, Chancen für Ironie (schließlich geht es um eine Filmcrew) werden weitgehend verschenkt.
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parent's lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by the fact that her parents virtually vanished, as did the accident wreckage, so there's no evidence for the police and certainly no closure for her. Jesse meets her fears head-on when she and a group of filmmakers break into an abandoned mental institution, she immediately experiences a visceral deja-vu. The asylum seems somehow connected to her missing parents and furthermore, the building is far from deserted. The group discovers that a sinister doctor has taken up residence in the building's vast underground and he is using extreme science trying to bring his wife back from the dead! The basement also contains the countless remains of the doctor's failed experiments, all of which are now slowly coming back to life when they make contact with a murky substance that has begun to leak out of several holding tanks!
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parent's lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by the fact that her parents virtually vanished, as did the accident wreckage, so there's no evidence for the police and certainly no closure for her. Jesse meets her fears head-on when she and a group of filmmakers break into an abandoned mental institution, she immediately experiences a visceral deja-vu. The asylum seems somehow connected to her missing parents and furthermore, the building is far from deserted. The group discovers that a sinister doctor has taken up residence in the building's vast underground and he is using extreme science trying to bring his wife back from the dead! The basement also contains the countless remains of the doctor's failed experiments, all of which are now slowly coming back to life when they make contact with a murky substance that has begun to leak out of several holding tanks!