Tumak, der Herr des Urwalds
Hal Roach Jr., Hal RoachSchauspieler:
Victor Mature, Carole Landis, Lon Chaney Jr., John Hubbard, Mamo Clark, Inez Palange, Edgar Edwards, Nigel De Brulier, Conrad Nagel, Jacqueline Dalya, Mary Gale Fisher, Norman Budd, Harry Wilson, John Northpole, Lorraine Rivero, Harold HowardVor einer Million Jahren oder länger: Tumak (Victor Mature), Angehörger eines brutalen Stammes, wird verstoßen und durchquert das gefährliche Land, bis er Aufnahme im Muschelstamm findet, die deutlich friedfertiger sind. Dort verliebt er sich in Loana (Carole Landis), bis er jedoch sich zu einem Kampf hinreißen läßt und wieder verstoßen wird. Doch Loana folgt ihm, zu seinem Stamm zurück, um diesen von seinem zerstörerischen Weg abzubringen. Ein Vulkanausbruch verändert jedoch alles...
One Million B.C. is a 1940 American fantasy film produced by Hal Roach Studios and released by United Artists. It is also known by the titles Cave Man, Man and His Mate, and Tumak. The film stars Victor Mature as protagonist Tumak, a young cave man who strives to unite the uncivilized Rock Tribe and the peaceful Shell Tribe, Carole Landis as Loana, daughter of the Shell Tribe chief and Tumak's love interest, and Lon Chaney, Jr. as Tumak's stern father and leader of the Rock Tribe.
One Million B.C. is a 1940 American fantasy film produced by Hal Roach Studios and released by United Artists. It is also known by the titles Cave Man, Man and His Mate, and Tumak. The film stars Victor Mature as protagonist Tumak, a young cave man who strives to unite the uncivilized Rock Tribe and the peaceful Shell Tribe, Carole Landis as Loana, daughter of the Shell Tribe chief and Tumak's love interest, and Lon Chaney, Jr. as Tumak's stern father and leader of the Rock Tribe.