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Irwin AllenSchauspieler:
Stuart Whitman, Robert Wagner, Rosemary Forsyth, Robert Colbert, Burr DeBenning, Susana Miranda, Richard Basehart, Joseph Cotten, James Darren, Paul Stewart, Sugar Ray Robinson, Whit BissellIm Jahr 2053 sollen die Goldbestände und das spaltbare Material der von schweren Erdbeben bedrohten Vereinigten Staaten in Sicherheit gebracht werden. Aber Pacifica, einer Stadt auf dem Meeresboden, droht durch einen bevorstehenden Meteoriteneinschlag und durch die Goldgier einiger Offiziere selbst Gefahr...
A group of 21st-century colonists inhabit an underwater city called Pacifica. Originally intended as a purely scientific installation, the U. S. government wants to stash all its gold reserves from Fort Knox there, along with a fantastic new radioactive element. The brother of Pacifica's returning former commander plans to steal the gold and on top of that, the city faces destruction by an asteroid from outer space
A group of 21st-century colonists inhabit an underwater city called Pacifica. Originally intended as a purely scientific installation, the U. S. government wants to stash all its gold reserves from Fort Knox there, along with a fantastic new radioactive element. The brother of Pacifica's returning former commander plans to steal the gold and on top of that, the city faces destruction by an asteroid from outer space