Unheimliche Begegnung
George P. CosmatosSchauspieler:
Peter Weller, Jennifer Dale, Kenneth Welsh, Shannon Tweed, Maury Chaykin, Bronwen Mantel, Lawrence Dane, Louis Del Grande, Keith Knight, Leif Anderson, Jimmy Tapp, Gayle Garfinkle, Earl Pennington, Monik Nantel, Jacklin Webb, Amber T. ChaseDer Topmanager Bart Hughes steht vor einem großen Schritt auf der Karriereleiter nach ganz oben. Um sich in Ruhe darauf vorzubereiten, schickt er seine Familie in den Urlaub. Doch dann kommt es zu einer “unheimlichen Begegnung” mit einem Wesen, das zu seinem ärgsten Feind wird und sein ganzes bisheriges Leben auf den Kopf stellt.
Bart Hughes has a pretty good life, a beautiful wife, a young son, a good job with promotion prospects, and a renovated brownstone in New York. When wife and kid leave for a vacation, Bart stays behind to work on a project that will earn him that promotion, unaware that a certain inhabitant of his basement has other plans for his time. Bart goes a bit bonkers trying to kill this rat, destroying most of his house in the process. Certain allegorical elements tie the household conflict to the "rat race" in his office, but the main event is certainly the night-and-day contest of wills between man and rodent.
Bart Hughes has a pretty good life, a beautiful wife, a young son, a good job with promotion prospects, and a renovated brownstone in New York. When wife and kid leave for a vacation, Bart stays behind to work on a project that will earn him that promotion, unaware that a certain inhabitant of his basement has other plans for his time. Bart goes a bit bonkers trying to kill this rat, destroying most of his house in the process. Certain allegorical elements tie the household conflict to the "rat race" in his office, but the main event is certainly the night-and-day contest of wills between man and rodent.