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V The Original Miniseries



Kenneth Johnson


Marc Singer, Faye Grant, Jane Badler, Richard Herd, Richard Lawson, Michael Wright, Michael Durrell, Peter Nelson, David Packer, Neva Patterson, Tommy Petersen, Blair Tefkin, Bonnie Bartlett, Leonardo Cimino, Evan C. Kim, George Morfogen
Aliens pretending to be friendly come to Earth and are received openly. The aliens have disguised themselves to look just like humans. When it is discovered that the aliens' planet is dying and that they have come to rape the Earth of its natural resources, the war for Earth begins. An important key to the humans' success is distinguishing their own from who the aliens are.
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    Mirror 1 | 30.05.2021 - V.Die.ausserirdischen.Besucher.kommen.1983.Teil.2.German.1080p.HDTV.x264-NORETAiL

    Summary & Details

    Aliens pretending to be friendly come to Earth and are received openly. The aliens have disguised themselves to look just like humans. When it is discovered that the aliens' planet is dying and that they have come to rape the Earth of its natural resources, the war for Earth begins. An important key to the humans' success is distinguishing their own from who the aliens are.


    ~197 Min.

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    Kenneth Johnson


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts