Wang Yu - Der Karatebomber
Ting Shan-HsiSchauspieler:
Jimmy Wang Yu, Yasuaki Kurata, Lung Fei, Eddy Ko, Ko Hsiao Pao, Ngai SoUm seine Ehre zu retten, begeht der Kommandant eines japanischen Kriegsgefangenenlagers Selbstmord. Ein Gefangener hat das vertrauen des Kommandanten ausgenutzt und ist geflohen. 30 Jahre später jagen die drei Söhne des toten Kommandanten den Verräter des Vaters und alle die an dessen Tod mitschuldig sind.
Hong Kong taxi driver Jimmy Wang Yu has good intentions -- he wants to pay for an operation to help his sister recover her sight -- but he's saddled with some bad luck of his own. When Jimmy's dad angers three brothers who are looking for payback for their parents' deaths, Jimmy must now defend his father and try to save his sister. This crazy 1970s martial arts action flick will delight fans of the genre.
Hong Kong taxi driver Jimmy Wang Yu has good intentions -- he wants to pay for an operation to help his sister recover her sight -- but he's saddled with some bad luck of his own. When Jimmy's dad angers three brothers who are looking for payback for their parents' deaths, Jimmy must now defend his father and try to save his sister. This crazy 1970s martial arts action flick will delight fans of the genre.