Weather Wars
Todor ChapkanovSchauspieler:
Jason London, Erin Cahill, Stacy Keach, Miles Doleac, Indigo, Lance E. Nichols, Billy Slaughter, Roger J. Timber, Glen Warner, Wes Brown, Stanton Barrett, Jesse De Luna, Gary Grubbs, Nick Jones Jr., Lauren Michele, Ritchie MontgomeryEinst schmiedete der geniale Professor Marcus Grange brisante Biowaffenprogramme für die amerikanische Regierung. Dann aber wurden seine Mittel gekürzt und er selbst gefeuert von einem Politiker namens Aldrich. Als Aldrich nun zum Senator gewählt wird, überschatten mysteriöse Unwetterkatastrophen die Amtseinführung. Sieht ganz so aus, als wolle Grange sich mit seinem Waffenarsenal rächen. Nur zwei Leute können ihn vielleicht noch stoppen: Seine beiden erwachsenen und erbittert miteinander rivalisierenden Söhne.
Actionveteran Stacy Keach ("Mike Hammer") schaut beim Syfy Channel vorbei auf einen furiosen kleinen Auftritt als wettermachender Superbösewicht im Pennerzwirn und kostet damit wahrscheinlich schon das halbe Budget, weshalb nun zum Beispiel Blitze, die man sich denken muss, Menschen durch unversehrte Dachkonstruktionen zur Strecke bringen. Abseits solcher Freak Accidents ein kurzweiliges Katastrophenspektakel, auch dank Wes Brown ("True Blood") als Keaches Sohn.
A series of freak weather occurrences around Washington D.C. reunites two estranged brothers who are the sons of a once prestigious climate scientist. One of them suspects their father is behind it and upon further investigation, they discover that all of their father's enemies are dead - victims of freak weather accidents. Soon their suspicions are confirmed as their father hijacks radio and TV transmissions to relay the message that unless a certain Senator whom canceled his Defense Department contracts is handed over, the city of Washington D.C will suffer the consequences. As the brothers race to form a plan that can defeat their father, he lets loose a variety of diabolical weather weapons on the Smithsonian, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, and National Mall!
A series of freak weather occurrences around Washington D.C. reunites two estranged brothers who are the sons of a once prestigious climate scientist. One of them suspects their father is behind it and upon further investigation, they discover that all of their father's enemies are dead - victims of freak weather accidents. Soon their suspicions are confirmed as their father hijacks radio and TV transmissions to relay the message that unless a certain Senator whom canceled his Defense Department contracts is handed over, the city of Washington D.C will suffer the consequences. As the brothers race to form a plan that can defeat their father, he lets loose a variety of diabolical weather weapons on the Smithsonian, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, and National Mall!