What the waters left behind
Luciano Onetti, Nicolás OnettiSchauspieler:
Paula Brasca, Mirta Busnelli, Victoria Maurette, Pablo Guisa Koestinger, Victorio D'Alessandro, Chucho Fernandez, Damián Dreizik, Tamara Garzón, Agustín PardellaDie argentinische Gemeinde Epecuén ist eine Geisterstadt. Einstmals zählte der Ort zu den beliebtesten Ferienzielen des Landes. Tausende Touristen kamen Jahr für Jahr, um in den heißen Thermalquellen zu baden. Doch im November 1985 wurde Epecuén von einer zehn Meter hohen Springflut überschwemmt. Als das Salzwasser nach über dreißig Jahren zurückging, hinterließ es eine verwüstete Ruinenlandschaft. Jetzt ist eine Gruppe junger Dokumentarfilmer nach Epecuén gekommen, um einen Film über die zerstörte Stadt zu drehen. Die Gerüchte, dass dort immer wieder Besucher verschwunden sind, werden ignoriert. Als jedoch das Auto der Filmcrew eine Panne hat, wird die Exkursion zum grausamen Horrortrip. Denn Epecuén ist keinesfalls so menschenleer wie man angenommen hatte. Und die Bewohner betrachten die Neuankömmlinge als Beute.
Epecuén was one of the most important touristic villages of Argentina. Thousands of people concurred, attracted by the healing properties of its thermal waters. On November 10th 1985, a huge volume of water broke the protecting embankment and the village was submerged under ten meters of salt water. Epecuén disappeared. Thirty years later, the waters receded and the ruins of Epecuén emerged exposing a bleak and deserted landscape. The residents never returned. The plot revolves around a group of young people that take a trip to the ruins in order to film a documentary about Epecuén. Ignoring the warnings, and after a brief tour, they get stranded in the abandoned village. Contrary to what they thought, they begin to realize that they are really not alone…
Epecuén was one of the most important touristic villages of Argentina. Thousands of people concurred, attracted by the healing properties of its thermal waters. On November 10th 1985, a huge volume of water broke the protecting embankment and the village was submerged under ten meters of salt water. Epecuén disappeared. Thirty years later, the waters receded and the ruins of Epecuén emerged exposing a bleak and deserted landscape. The residents never returned. The plot revolves around a group of young people that take a trip to the ruins in order to film a documentary about Epecuén. Ignoring the warnings, and after a brief tour, they get stranded in the abandoned village. Contrary to what they thought, they begin to realize that they are really not alone…