Winchester - Das Haus der Verdammten
Michael Spierig, Peter SpierigSchauspieler:
Helen Mirren, Jason Clarke, Sarah Snook, Angus Sampson, Laura Brent, Tyler Coppin, Emm Wiseman, Finn Scicluna-O'Prey, Xavier Gouault, Brad Arnold, Eamon Farren, Dawayne Jordan, Jeff Lipary, Jeffrey W. Jenkins, John Lobato, Douglas EmbrySarah Winchester, die Witwe des berühmten Waffenherstellers William Winchester, glaubt nach dem Tod ihres Mannes und ihres Kind, dass Geister Rache an der Familie nehmen wollen. Die Waffen ihres Mannes haben zu viele Menschen getötet, nun sind deren Geister hinter ihr her. Ein Medium hilft ihr dabei, ein Haus zu entwerfen, in dem sie sich vor den Geistern verstecken kann.
Film über das reale "Winchester Mystery House", der auch am wirklichen Schauplatz gedreht werden soll.
Firearm heiress Sarah Winchester is convinced that she is haunted by the souls killed at the hands of the Winchester repeating rifle. After the sudden deaths of her husband and child, she throws herself into the construction of an enormous mansion designed to keep the evil spirits at bay. But when skeptical San Francisco psychiatrist Eric Price is dispatched to the estate to evaluate her state of mind, he discovers that her obsession may not be so insane after all.
Firearm heiress Sarah Winchester is convinced that she is haunted by the souls killed at the hands of the Winchester repeating rifle. After the sudden deaths of her husband and child, she throws herself into the construction of an enormous mansion designed to keep the evil spirits at bay. But when skeptical San Francisco psychiatrist Eric Price is dispatched to the estate to evaluate her state of mind, he discovers that her obsession may not be so insane after all.