Wings of Freedom
Max KlevenSchauspieler:
David Hasselhoff, Linda Blair, Tony Brubaker, Thomas Rosales Jr., John Vernon, Gregory Scott Cummins, Joe Tornatore, George Buck Flower, Dick Durock, Debra Lamb, Danny Trejo, Charlie BrillW.B., Blue und Bean arbeiten für die Agentur "Wings of Freedom", die gegen entsprechende Bezahlung Kautionen stellt und dafür sorgt, daß der oder die Betreffende auch zum Gerichtstermin erscheint. Diemal hat es Nettie, Töchterchen aus gutem Hause wg. 40 Pfund Kokain erwischt. Die Schöne, in Wahrheit Opfer der Machenschaften des Drogenbarons Salazar, wird obendrein entführt. W.B. und seine Männer haben nur 24 Stunden Zeit, Nettie der Dame Justitia vorzuführen, andernfalls verliert die Agentur ihr Geld. Das versierte Trio löst die Aufgabe mit Bravour.
Fernsehstar David Hasselhoff muß Linda Blair ("Der Exorzist") gegen die Nachstellungen eines skrupellosen Kokain-Dealers verteidigen.
Three L.A. bounty hunters, known only by their code names -- White Bread, Blue and Bean -- are hired by their bail bondsman boss to look after a wealthy heiress, Nettie Ridgeway, who witnessed the murder of an ex-boyfriend connected to a powerful Colombian drug cartel. When Nettie is abducted and taken to the cartel's hideout in Mexico, the trio travel south of the border to try to rescue her in time for her to testify against her ex-boyfriend's killers.
Three L.A. bounty hunters, known only by their code names -- White Bread, Blue and Bean -- are hired by their bail bondsman boss to look after a wealthy heiress, Nettie Ridgeway, who witnessed the murder of an ex-boyfriend connected to a powerful Colombian drug cartel. When Nettie is abducted and taken to the cartel's hideout in Mexico, the trio travel south of the border to try to rescue her in time for her to testify against her ex-boyfriend's killers.