Wo ist Fred?
Anno SaulSchauspieler:
Til Schweiger, Alexandra Maria Lara, Jürgen Vogel, Anja Kling, Christoph Maria Herbst, Tanja Wenzel, Adele Neuhauser, Gerit Kling, Ursela Monn, Pasquale Aleardi, Fahri Yardım, Vanessa Petruo, Eckhard Preuß, Michael Hanemann, Martin Brambach, Gode BenedixWeil er dem Sohn seiner Angebeteten (Anja Kling) imponieren will, markiert der kerngesunde Bauarbeiter Fred (Til Schweiger) einen Rollstuhlfahrer, da man scheinbar nur als solcher an einen der heißbegehrten signierten Basketbälle des Alba-Berlin-Stars Mercurio Müller heran kommt. Pech bloß, dass die Medien aufgepasst haben und nun ausgerechnet am Beispiel Fred das Leben aus der Behindertenperspektive dokumentieren wollen. Zeit für eine anstrengende Doppelrolle, bei der Sidekick Alex (Jürgen Vogel) nur bedingt hilfreich ist.
Prominente deutsche Darsteller geben sich die Klinke in die Hand in einer romantischen Verwechslungskomödie von Regisseur Anno Saul ("Kebab Connection").
In order to catch a basketball from the favorite team of his girlfriend's spoiled son, Fred poses as a numb, wheelchair-bound fan. But when he catches the ball, he also catches the attention of young, attractive filmmaker Denise, who wants to feature an invalid fan in an image film for the team. Fred has to keep playing his role, while real invalid and really furious fan Ronny might call his bluff at any moment. Worse, still, love sets in...
In order to catch a basketball from the favorite team of his girlfriend's spoiled son, Fred poses as a numb, wheelchair-bound fan. But when he catches the ball, he also catches the attention of young, attractive filmmaker Denise, who wants to feature an invalid fan in an image film for the team. Fred has to keep playing his role, while real invalid and really furious fan Ronny might call his bluff at any moment. Worse, still, love sets in...