Kenta FukasakuSchauspieler:
Nao Matsushita, Ami Suzuki, Shôko Nakagawa, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Ayuko Iwane, Nozomu Iwao, Kyôji Kamui, Rikiya Koyama, Yoshiyuki Morishita, Takashi Nishina, Maju OzawaZwei Freundinnen unternehmen einen Ausflug zu den warmen Quellen im japanischen Hinterland. Shiyori laboriert an Liebeskummer, dagegen belagern gleich vier Verehrer das Handy von Aiko. Nach einer Reihe beunruhigender Begegnungen in der Provinz erhält Shiyori einen Anruf, in dem ein Unbekannter sie dringend warnt vor den Bauern der Umgebung. Diese seien schlimme Schlächter und hätten es auf durchreisende Damen abgesehen. Leider kommt die Warnung für Shiyori und Aiko schon recht spät.
Recovering from a failed love affair Shiyori heads to the country, in the company of best friend and bad girl Aiko. Having taken a long soak in the hot spring they retire to their respective cabins. They soon discover that the tranquil village is the home of a cult with a fetish for cutting off female legs. Trying to escape they are split up and keep in touch via their mobile phones. Multiple points of view and time frames keeps the viewer on their toes trying to discern the grisly fate of these "lost" girls.
Recovering from a failed love affair Shiyori heads to the country, in the company of best friend and bad girl Aiko. Having taken a long soak in the hot spring they retire to their respective cabins. They soon discover that the tranquil village is the home of a cult with a fetish for cutting off female legs. Trying to escape they are split up and keep in touch via their mobile phones. Multiple points of view and time frames keeps the viewer on their toes trying to discern the grisly fate of these "lost" girls.