Alessandro Fabbri, Ludovica Rampoldi, Stefano SardoSchauspieler:
Natalino Balasso, Pietro Ragusa, Tommaso Ragno, Irene Casagrande, Stefano Accorsi, Elena Radonicich, Miriam Leone, Tea Falco, Domenico Diele, Antonio Gerardi, Gianfelice Imparato, Guido Caprino, Alessandro Roja, Peppe Voltarelli, Guido ButtarelliIn 1992 geht es um die „Mani pulite“ („Saubere Hände“, im Sinne von „Weiße Weste“)-Ermittlungen Anfang der 90er-Jahre in Italien, bei welchen korrupte und kriminelle Machenschaften innerhalb der italienischen Regierung (Tangentopoli) aufgedeckt wurden. Die Handlung konzentriert sich dabei auf die Schicksale von sechs Personen, die mitten im Wirbelwind dieser politisch turbulenten Zeit gefangen sind.
Produziert wurde die zehnteilige Serie von Sky Italia, Wildside und Beta Film.
Set in early nineties Italy when there was a nationwide judicial investigation into corruption. This resulted in the break down of many political parties as well as the arrest and conviction of some high profile political figures. The story will follow six people whose lives are intertwined with the rapidly changing political landscape, exposing the far-reaching impact of the greed and corruption.
Set in early nineties Italy when there was a nationwide judicial investigation into corruption. This resulted in the break down of many political parties as well as the arrest and conviction of some high profile political figures. The story will follow six people whose lives are intertwined with the rapidly changing political landscape, exposing the far-reaching impact of the greed and corruption.