AJIN: Demi-Human
Gamon SakuraiSchauspieler:
Houchu Ohtsuka, Mamoru Miyano, Takahiro Sakurai, Mikako Komatsu, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Daisuke Hirakawa„AJIN: Demi-Human“ [ … ] behandelt die Geschichte von einem Oberschüler, der eines Tages von einem Laster überfahren und tödlich verletzt wird. Als sich sein Körper nach dem Unfall wieder zusammensetzt, findet er heraus, wer er eigentlich ist: Ein unsterblicher Halb-Mensch, ein „Ajin“. Dann findet er dutzende andere Ajins; sie alle werden von der Gesellschaft verachtet, für Experimente missbraucht und versuchen in der feindlichen Umgebung zu überleben.
Ajin are humans that cannot die. Seventeen years ago, they first appeared on a battlefield in Africa. From then on, more of their kind are discovered within the human society. Their rarity in appearance means that, for experimental purposes, the government will generously reward anyone who captures one. In the present day, for what a certain high school student expects to be a typical summer holiday, his life is about to turn unexpected.
Ajin are humans that cannot die. Seventeen years ago, they first appeared on a battlefield in Africa. From then on, more of their kind are discovered within the human society. Their rarity in appearance means that, for experimental purposes, the government will generously reward anyone who captures one. In the present day, for what a certain high school student expects to be a typical summer holiday, his life is about to turn unexpected.