Archive 81
Rebecca SonnenshineSchauspieler:
Mamoudou Athie, Julia Chan, Dina Shihabi, Martin Donovan, Matt McGorry, Evan Jonigkeit, Ariana NealEin Archivar widmet sich der Restauration beschädigter Videokassetten. Dabei gerät er in den Sog eines Rätsels um einen Teufelskult und den verschwundenen Regisseur.
When archivist Dan Turner takes a mysterious job restoring a collection of damaged videotapes from 1994, he finds himself reconstructing the work of documentary filmmaker Melody Pendras and her investigation into a dangerous cult. As Dan is drawn into Melody's story, he becomes convinced he can save her from the terrifying end she met 25 years ago.
When archivist Dan Turner takes a mysterious job restoring a collection of damaged videotapes from 1994, he finds himself reconstructing the work of documentary filmmaker Melody Pendras and her investigation into a dangerous cult. As Dan is drawn into Melody's story, he becomes convinced he can save her from the terrifying end she met 25 years ago.