Blind Frog Ranch - Die Schatzsucher von Utah
Chad Ollinger, Duane Ollinger, Charlie Snider, Eric DrummondDunkle Höhlen und kostbares Edelmetall: Auf der „Blind Frog Ranch“ im Uinta-Becken geschehen seltsame Dinge. Um die Region im US-Bundesstaat Utah ranken sich viele Legenden. In den Mythen und Erzählungen ist von unheimlichen Fabelwesen und sogar von einem Raumschiff die Rede. Aber Duane Ollinger hat sein ganzes Vermögen in die 65 Hektar große Ranch investiert. Denn es gibt Hinweise, dass dort unter der Erdoberfläche Gold verborgen liegt. Diesen Schatz will der Landbesitzer heben – paranormale Aktivitäten hin oder her. Und was Duane anfängt, das bringt er für gewöhnlich auch zu Ende. Doch je tiefer der Abenteurer und seine Mitstreiter graben, desto mysteriöser gestaltet sich das Projekt.
There are some places on earth where the land just seems different, and Blind Frog Ranch in eastern Utah is one of those places. Locals say the land is cursed. That it's trying to hold on to something. From Aztec treasure to caverns of gold and silver to lost Mormon mines, legends surround Duane Ollinger's 160-acre ranch in Utah's Uintah Basin. But Duane isn't concerned with the lore. After discovering a system of seven underground caves that run through his property, he is singularly focused on finding what's hidden in them - no matter what the cost.
There are some places on earth where the land just seems different, and Blind Frog Ranch in eastern Utah is one of those places. Locals say the land is cursed. That it's trying to hold on to something. From Aztec treasure to caverns of gold and silver to lost Mormon mines, legends surround Duane Ollinger's 160-acre ranch in Utah's Uintah Basin. But Duane isn't concerned with the lore. After discovering a system of seven underground caves that run through his property, he is singularly focused on finding what's hidden in them - no matter what the cost.