Alper ÇağlarSchauspieler:
Can Nergis, Tan Altay, Ahmet Pınar, Mesut Akusta, Ozan Ağaç, Armağan Oğuz, Atıf Emir Benderlioğlu, Ahu Türkpençe, Murat Arkın, Fırat Doğruloğlu, Bedii Akın, Serkan Çayoglu, Gürol TonbulMitglieder einer türkischen Sondereinheit für riskante Sicherheitsmissionen haben im Einsatz und zu Hause mit zahlreichen Gefahren und Tragödien zu kämpfen.
Turkey in the spring of 2014. A time when the enemies are growing on the border, the circle of danger inside is becoming narrower. The Republic of Turkey faces the greatest threats of recent history. BÖRÜ tells the story of heroic heroes who are touched by love. They are the last castle.
Turkey in the spring of 2014. A time when the enemies are growing on the border, the circle of danger inside is becoming narrower. The Republic of Turkey faces the greatest threats of recent history. BÖRÜ tells the story of heroic heroes who are touched by love. They are the last castle.