Farhad SafiniaSchauspieler:
Jeff Hephner, Connie Nielsen, Kathleen Robertson, Kelsey Grammer, Hannah WareIn der Serie „Boss“ geht es den Bürgermeister von Chicago (Kelsey Grammer), der insgeheim an einer degenerativen Nervenerkrankung leidet. Seine Krankheit verbirgt er nicht nur vor der Öffentlichkeit, sondern auch vor seiner Familie, nur sein Arzt weiß Bescheid.
Die Handlung der Fernsehserie „Boss“ soll an William Shakespeares Drama „„König Lear““ angelegt sein. Darin möchte sich der britische König auf sein Altenteil zurückziehen, vorher aber sein Erbe ordnen. Er veranstaltet einen Wettbewerb unter seinen drei Töchtern. Mit der einzigen ehrlichen Antwort erbost seine Lieblingstochter Cordelia ihn und wird verstoßen. So wird die Herrschaft unter den anderen beiden Schwestern und ihren Ehemännern aufgeteilt, die dem König aber nicht lange einen ruhigen Lebensabend gönnen.
Kelsey Grammer returns for season two as Chicago Mayor Tom Kane, the role in which he won a Golden Globe for Best Actor. This season, Kane ferociously beats back the physical symptoms of his illness with high doses of medication. But this comes at a cost -- experiencing heightened psychological manifestations of the disease. Without his longtime advisors Stone and Kitty, Kane is also forced to reconfigure his inner circle. Surrounded by strangers and without much time left, he acts quickly to protect and repair his legacy by cutting out the cancers within the political machine. But as corrupt heads roll and his list of enemies grows, Kane's virtuous actions begin to erode the very foundation of power he's worked a lifetime to build. In order to maintain it, Kane must govern as he always has - ruthlessly.
Kelsey Grammer returns for season two as Chicago Mayor Tom Kane, the role in which he won a Golden Globe for Best Actor. This season, Kane ferociously beats back the physical symptoms of his illness with high doses of medication. But this comes at a cost -- experiencing heightened psychological manifestations of the disease. Without his longtime advisors Stone and Kitty, Kane is also forced to reconfigure his inner circle. Surrounded by strangers and without much time left, he acts quickly to protect and repair his legacy by cutting out the cancers within the political machine. But as corrupt heads roll and his list of enemies grows, Kane's virtuous actions begin to erode the very foundation of power he's worked a lifetime to build. In order to maintain it, Kane must govern as he always has - ruthlessly.