Robert Palfrader, Nicholas Ofczarek, Manuel Ruby, Maria HofstätterDie Marktgemeinde Braunschlag an der tschechischen Grenze ist bankrott. Zwischen russischen Gläubigern und dem Druck aus St. Pölten scheint nur ein Wunder zu helfen. Und genau das ist der Plan von Bürgermeister Tschach (Robert Palfrader). Gemeinsam mit seinem Freund, dem erfolglosen Discobetreiber Pfeisinger (Nicholas Ofczarek) täuscht er eine Marienerscheinung vor, um massenweise Pilger nach Braunschlag zu lotsen. Zunächst deutet alles darauf hin, dass der Plan aufgeht. Doch zusehends beginnen sich die eigenwilligen Dorfbewohner gegenseitig im Wege zu stehen.
In Braunschlag geht es um Gier, Korruption, Hass, Katholizismus und Alkohol - also um Österreich im weitesten Sinn. Eine schwarzhumorige Fernsehserie, die das österreichische Herz in seinen dunkelsten Ecken trifft.
Braunschlag is a television series of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, which was produced in eight episodes in 2011 and from David Schalko comes (idea, script, direction and production). As from 18 September 2012, the series was on Tuesdays at 21:05 clock in the new series rail (starting with a double episode in prime time at 20:15 clock). The associated DVD was released on 9 March 2012. In Germany, the series German premiere from 21 May 2015 was on RTL Crime to see. Previously, the broadcast rights Been of the Deutsche Telekom acquired, which the series since July 2014 Entertain in the Selection of Telekom Entertain accessible made. Furthermore it is in the portfolio of the streaming provider maxdome to find. A German free TV broadcasting takes place from October 13th, 2015 at the transmitter EinsFestival.
Braunschlag is a television series of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, which was produced in eight episodes in 2011 and from David Schalko comes (idea, script, direction and production). As from 18 September 2012, the series was on Tuesdays at 21:05 clock in the new series rail (starting with a double episode in prime time at 20:15 clock). The associated DVD was released on 9 March 2012. In Germany, the series German premiere from 21 May 2015 was on RTL Crime to see. Previously, the broadcast rights Been of the Deutsche Telekom acquired, which the series since July 2014 Entertain in the Selection of Telekom Entertain accessible made. Furthermore it is in the portfolio of the streaming provider maxdome to find. A German free TV broadcasting takes place from October 13th, 2015 at the transmitter EinsFestival.