Cannon Busters
LeSean ThomasDer in königlichem Dienst stehende Freundschafts-Droide S.A.M. erlebt gemeinsam mit einem eigenwilligen, verschrotteten Reperaturroboter und einem dreisten und tödlichen Flüchtling Abenteuer. S.A.M. ist auf der Suche nach seinem besten Freund: Dem Erben eines Königreichs, das aktuell belagert wird.
Cannon Busters follows the adventures and exploits of S.A.M, a high-end, royal-class friendship droid who's joined by a quirky, discarded maintenance robot and a brash, deadly fugitive. Together, the unlikely trio embarks on an unforgettable journey in a fantastic and dangerous world in search of S.A.M's best friend, the heir to a powerful kingdom under siege.
Cannon Busters follows the adventures and exploits of S.A.M, a high-end, royal-class friendship droid who's joined by a quirky, discarded maintenance robot and a brash, deadly fugitive. Together, the unlikely trio embarks on an unforgettable journey in a fantastic and dangerous world in search of S.A.M's best friend, the heir to a powerful kingdom under siege.