Captain N - Der Game Master
Ian James Corlett, Shane Meier, Alessandro Juliani, Levi Stubbs, Alvin Sanders, Garry Chalk, Venus Terzo, Long John Baldry, Frank Welker, Matt Hill, Cynthia Preston, Andrew Kavadas, Michael DonovanKevin Keene, ein 15-jähriger Teenager aus Northridge in Kalifornien, zockt eines Tages "Punch Out" auf dem NES, als er und sein Hund Duke plötzlich in den Fernseher hinein gezogen werden. Die beiden landen in Videoland, eine Welt, in der die Helden aus sämtlichen Nintendo-Spielen leben. Prinzessin Lana, die allerdings aus keinem bestimmten Spiel stammt, erklärt Kevin, dass er der Auserwählte ist, der Mother Brain, bekannt aus "Metroid", besiegen und dadurch Videoland retten muss. Unterstützung bekommt der unfreiwillige Held von Mega Man, Kid Icarus sowie Simon Belmont aus "Castlevania". Ab der zweiten Staffel schliesst sich ausserdem noch ein sprechender Gameboy dem Team an, da der Handheld neu auf den Markt gekommen war und jetzt natürlich fleissig in der Serie beworben werden musste. Auch ansonsten wimmelt es in der Serie von allerhand Hardware, so ist Kevins Allzweckwaffe beispielsweise ein NES Zapper.
Captain N: The Game Master is an American–Canadian animated television series that aired on television from 1989 to 1991 as part of the Saturday morning cartoon lineup on NBC. The show is produced by DIC Entertainment and incorporated elements from many of the most popular video games of the time from the Japanese company Nintendo. There was also a comic book version by Valiant Comics, despite only featuring characters from games produced by Nintendo. The show is also part of an hour-long block in Season 2 with The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 and with Super Mario World in Season 3 in a half-hour block.
Captain N: The Game Master is an American–Canadian animated television series that aired on television from 1989 to 1991 as part of the Saturday morning cartoon lineup on NBC. The show is produced by DIC Entertainment and incorporated elements from many of the most popular video games of the time from the Japanese company Nintendo. There was also a comic book version by Valiant Comics, despite only featuring characters from games produced by Nintendo. The show is also part of an hour-long block in Season 2 with The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 and with Super Mario World in Season 3 in a half-hour block.