Magnús Jónsson, Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir, Jóhanna Vigdís Arnardóttir, Þorsteinn Bachmann, Elma Stefania AgustsdottirEin Anwalt, der sich mit Alkohol und Leichtsinn sein eigenes Grab schaufelt, findet in den Ermittlungen eines scheinbaren Teenagersuizids neuen Lebenssinn.
A spin-off from legal series Réttur (The Court), Case opens with the apparent suicide of a promising young ballerina, and follows the battle between her biological parents and her foster parents to uncover the truth behind her death - with everything seen through the eyes of the lawyers involved.
A spin-off from legal series Réttur (The Court), Case opens with the apparent suicide of a promising young ballerina, and follows the battle between her biological parents and her foster parents to uncover the truth behind her death - with everything seen through the eyes of the lawyers involved.