Das Boot
Tony Saint, Johannes BetzSchauspieler:
Tom Wlaschiha, Franz Dinda, Fleur Geffrier, Olivier Chantreau, Rainer Bock, August Wittgenstein, Pit Bukowski, Thierry Frémont, Vicky Krieps, Lizzy Caplan, Leonard Scheicher, Klaus Steinbacher, Rick Okon, Stefan Konarske, Vincent Kartheiser, James D'ArcyDie deutsche Serie „Das Boot“ ist eine achtteilige Fortsetzung zu Wolfgang Petersens gleichnamigem Film von 1981, in welchem Jürgen Prochnow und Herbert Grönemeyer mitwirkten. Dabei geht es um die junge Besatzung eines U-Boots, das im Herbst 1942 ihre Feindfahrt antritt, während sich im Hafen von La Rochelle die aufkommende Resistance formiert.Die Besetzung des U-Boots U 96 wird von einem schweren Luftangriff überrascht. Dabei kommt auch ein Teil der Besatzung ums Leben.
Neben der deutschen Perspektive werden auch der französische Widerstand und die Alliierten zu Land und See in den Fokus gerückt.
The new eight-part series is a sequel set immediately after the events depicted in the best-selling novel by Lothar-Gunther Buchheim and Wolfgang Petersen's 1981 Oscar-nominated film. While the original exclusively followed the claustrophobic and increasingly brutal world inside a World War II German U-boat, this series focuses not just on the German perspective, but on the experiences of the French Resistance and Allied forces on land and at sea. The production also expands to look at rising resistance in the U-boat port of La Rochelle. Through it all, Buchheim's original message remains as relevant today as ever: blind fanaticism pushes young men into pointless war.
The new eight-part series is a sequel set immediately after the events depicted in the best-selling novel by Lothar-Gunther Buchheim and Wolfgang Petersen's 1981 Oscar-nominated film. While the original exclusively followed the claustrophobic and increasingly brutal world inside a World War II German U-boat, this series focuses not just on the German perspective, but on the experiences of the French Resistance and Allied forces on land and at sea. The production also expands to look at rising resistance in the U-boat port of La Rochelle. Through it all, Buchheim's original message remains as relevant today as ever: blind fanaticism pushes young men into pointless war.