Das fahle Pferd
Sarah PhelpsSchauspieler:
Rufus Sewell, Kaya Scodelario, Bertie Carvel, Sean Pertwee, Henry Lloyd-Hughes, Rita Tushingham, Sheila Atim, Kathy Kiera Clarke, Georgina Campbell, Claire Skinner, James FleetEine geheimnisvolle Namensliste wird im Schuh einer toten Frau gefunden – einige der eingetragenen sind bereits verstorben. Auch Mark Easterbrook (Rufus Sewell) steht auf diesem Zettel, der fortan versucht herauszufinden, weshalb.
Seine Nachforschungen führen ihn zum Gasthaus ‚The Pale Horse‘ im Dorf Much Deeping. Dort leben drei Frauen, die im Ruf stehen, moderne Hexen zu sein, die gerüchteweise ihre Magie für ein Entgelt gegen unliebsame Personen einsetzen. Aber können sie tatsächlich nur durch ihre dunkle Magie reiche Verwandte aus dem Weg räumen?
Es gibt es weitere Tote, aber Mark ist sicher, dass es dafür eine rationalere Erklärung geben muss.
When a mysterious list of names is found in the shoe of a dead woman, one of those named, Mark Easterbrook, begins an investigation into how and why his name came to be there. He is drawn to The Pale Horse, the home of a trio of rumoured witches in the tiny village of Much Deeping. Word has it that the witches can do away with wealthy relatives using the dark arts alone, but as the bodies mount up Mark is certain there has to be a rational explanation. And who could possibly want him dead?
When a mysterious list of names is found in the shoe of a dead woman, one of those named, Mark Easterbrook, begins an investigation into how and why his name came to be there. He is drawn to The Pale Horse, the home of a trio of rumoured witches in the tiny village of Much Deeping. Word has it that the witches can do away with wealthy relatives using the dark arts alone, but as the bodies mount up Mark is certain there has to be a rational explanation. And who could possibly want him dead?