Die Slawen - Das Feuer der Macht
Juraj Loj, Polina Nosykhina, Tomáš Maštalír, Dušan Cinkota, Jana Kvantiková, Zuzana Fialová, Makar Tikhomirov, Oleh Mosiichuk, Richard Autner, Andrej Hryc, Anna Adamovich, Jana Labajová, Marek Vašut, Michal Režný, Alexandr Mavrits, Oleksandr RudynskyiIm 7. Jahrhundert kämpfen zwei benachbarte Stämme um die Macht, während Horden von feindlichen Awaren zusätzlich ihre Existenz bedrohen. In der Siedlung Weliki Stil schützt die mystische junge Heilerin Draha (Polina Nosykhina) mit Kräutertränken die Einwohner vor Krankheiten. Bei der Suche nach Kräutern findet Draha im Wald einen schwer verwundeten Fremden (Juraj Loj), den sie gegen den Willen der Bewohner ins Dorf bringt, um ihn zu heilen. Auf der anderen Seite des Waldes, in der rivalisierenden Siedlung Furnau, kämpft Raduz (Tomas Mastalir), der Sohn des Stammesführers, mit der Tatsache, dass seine Frau keinen Erben zur Welt bringen kann. Angesichts dieser Krise wendet sich Raduz an den Priester Carad (Dusan Cinkota), der durch ein Fruchtbarkeitsritual die politische Macht von Raduz stärken soll.
This historical adventure series is set in the 7th Century and follows the lives of the occupants of the Carpathian basin, at the time before the union of Slav tribes. The plot takes place at the neighboring forts Big table and Furnau, which need each other for trade but the power interests and the pressure from the incoming Avar marauders will put them into conflict. The main heroine, a young girl called Draha (Polina Nosykhina) is different than her peers because she's conscious and ambitious. During her self-discovery, she is accompanied by a mysterious stranger that she saved and named Vlad (Juraj Loj), who is slowly becoming a member of the fort Big table. Although the occupants of the fort did not like him at first, they are getting used to him thanks to his heroic acts - especially against the Avar tribes. Along with Vlad and Draha's story, the series simultaneously follows the story of Radúz (Tomás Mastalír), the son of fort Furnau's elder, who is a proud and well-trained.
This historical adventure series is set in the 7th Century and follows the lives of the occupants of the Carpathian basin, at the time before the union of Slav tribes. The plot takes place at the neighboring forts Big table and Furnau, which need each other for trade but the power interests and the pressure from the incoming Avar marauders will put them into conflict. The main heroine, a young girl called Draha (Polina Nosykhina) is different than her peers because she's conscious and ambitious. During her self-discovery, she is accompanied by a mysterious stranger that she saved and named Vlad (Juraj Loj), who is slowly becoming a member of the fort Big table. Although the occupants of the fort did not like him at first, they are getting used to him thanks to his heroic acts - especially against the Avar tribes. Along with Vlad and Draha's story, the series simultaneously follows the story of Radúz (Tomás Mastalír), the son of fort Furnau's elder, who is a proud and well-trained.