Ex on the Beach (US)
Romeo MillerDie Crème de la Crème der US-amerikanischen Trash-Unterhaltung aus namhaften Reality-Serien wie „Are You the One?“, „Big Brother“ und „The Bachelor“ werden gemeinsam mit ihren Ex-Partnern auf einer hawaiianischen Insel ausgesetzt. Anstatt eines romantischen Urlaubs voller Spaß und Flirts erleben die zehn Celebrity-Singles Wochen der Konfrontationen, Streits und Geheimnisse, die ans Licht kommen.
Can you ever really be over your ex? In this social experiment, 10 smoking-hot celebrity singles think they're running away to a tropical island for a once-in-a-lifetime romantic vacation full of fun and sun. But just as the party is getting started, unwanted guests arrive to break up their good time. Paradise turns into a nightmare when their exes start emerging, and everyone is left wondering whose ex will be next. Caught in a complicated web of hookups, deceit and revenge, will old loves reignite? Or will the flame of romance be gone for good? Welcome to Ex on the Beach.
Can you ever really be over your ex? In this social experiment, 10 smoking-hot celebrity singles think they're running away to a tropical island for a once-in-a-lifetime romantic vacation full of fun and sun. But just as the party is getting started, unwanted guests arrive to break up their good time. Paradise turns into a nightmare when their exes start emerging, and everyone is left wondering whose ex will be next. Caught in a complicated web of hookups, deceit and revenge, will old loves reignite? Or will the flame of romance be gone for good? Welcome to Ex on the Beach.