Friedliche Weihnachten
Valerie Huber, Timur Bartels, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Wayne Carpendale, Esther Schweins, Elena Uhlig, Matthias Komm, Doris Plenert, Horst Janson, Lena Meckel, Valentin Thatenhorst, Khalil AassyJohanna (Valerie Huber) und Anton (Timur Bartels) schweben seit fast einem Jahr im siebten Himmel, als Anfang November die gemeinsame Weihnachts-Planung ihr junges Glück auf die Probe stellt. Während die beiden das Fest der Liebe, welches auch noch mit ihrem Jahrestag zusammenfällt, am liebsten alleine verbringen würden, bestehen ihre Familien, allen voran Johannas Vater Prof. Dr. Dr. Dietrich Hansen (Uwe Ochsenknecht), auf alte Traditionen und fordern die jeweilige Anwesenheit der beiden. Johanna hat die rettende Idee: Ihr Schwager Oliver (Wayne Carpendale) besitzt ein Chalet in den österreichischen Bergen. Das Haus ist groß genug für beide Familien und das perfekte Setting für das erste gemeinsame Großfamilien-Event. Während Generationen, Kulturen und soziale Ansprüche aufeinanderprallen, bereitet sich Anton inmitten des Familiendramas darauf vor, Johanna die Frage aller Fragen zu stellen – Chaos vorprogrammiert!
Johanna (Valerie Huber) and Anton (Timur Bartels) have been in seventh heaven for almost a year when planning their Christmas together at the beginning of November put their young happiness to the test. While the two would prefer to spend the celebration of love, which also coincides with their anniversary, alone, their families exist, especially Johanna's father Prof. Dr. dr Dietrich Hansen (Uwe Ochsenknecht), on old traditions and demand the respective presence of the two. Johanna has the saving idea: her brother-in-law Oliver (Wayne Carpendale) owns a chalet in the Austrian mountains. The house is big enough for both families and the perfect setting for the first extended family event together. As generations, cultures and social demands collide, in the midst of the family drama, Anton prepares to ask Johanna the question of all questions - chaos inevitable!
Johanna (Valerie Huber) and Anton (Timur Bartels) have been in seventh heaven for almost a year when planning their Christmas together at the beginning of November put their young happiness to the test. While the two would prefer to spend the celebration of love, which also coincides with their anniversary, alone, their families exist, especially Johanna's father Prof. Dr. dr Dietrich Hansen (Uwe Ochsenknecht), on old traditions and demand the respective presence of the two. Johanna has the saving idea: her brother-in-law Oliver (Wayne Carpendale) owns a chalet in the Austrian mountains. The house is big enough for both families and the perfect setting for the first extended family event together. As generations, cultures and social demands collide, in the midst of the family drama, Anton prepares to ask Johanna the question of all questions - chaos inevitable!