IMDB Rating
Voting: 8.2 /10 (6.6k)
Trailer: YouTube

Gentleman Jack



Sally Wainwright


Timothy West, Suranne Jones, Rosie Cavaliero, Gemma Whelan, Gemma Jones, Sophie Rundle, Joe Armstrong, Amelia Bullmore, Shaun Dooley, Peter Davison, Vincent Franklin, George Costigan, Lydia Leonard, Jodhi May, Stephanie Cole, Katherine Kelly
Nach Jahren exotischer Reisen kehrt Anne Lister (Suranne Jones) 1832 nach Halifax in der englischen Grafschaft West Yorkshire zurück, um das in die Jahre gekommene Anwesen ihrer Vorfahren im Angesicht der industriellen Revolution wieder auf Vordermann zu bringen. Doch dafür muss sie die Kohleminen wieder eröffnen – und am besten einen reichen Mann heiraten. Doch Anne hat eigentlich andere Pläne, allen voran eher eine reiche Frau zu heiraten.

Gentleman Jack is a remarkable and unlikely love story set in the complex, changing world of 1832 Halifax - the cradle of the industrial revolution - just as it's all kicking off. The drama will explore Anne Lister's relationships at home with her family, her servants, her tenants and her industrial rivals, who will use any dirty tricks they can to bring her down. At its heart is her relationship with her would-be wife, the wealthy heiress Ann Walker. It has all the warmth, wit, humour and complexity that audiences have come to associate with Sally Wainwright's writing.
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    Gentleman Jack (2019)
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    Mirror 1 | 29.01.2020 - Gentleman.Jack.S01E01.GERMAN.720p.WEBRiP.x264.PROPER-LAW

    Summary & Details

    Nach Jahren exotischer Reisen kehrt Anne Lister (Suranne Jones) 1832 nach Halifax in der englischen Grafschaft West Yorkshire zurück, um das in die Jahre gekommene Anwesen ihrer Vorfahren im Angesicht der industriellen Revolution wieder auf Vordermann zu bringen. Doch dafür muss sie die Kohleminen wieder eröffnen – und am besten einen reichen Mann heiraten. Doch Anne hat eigentlich andere Pläne, allen voran eher eine reiche Frau zu heiraten.

    Gentleman Jack is a remarkable and unlikely love story set in the complex, changing world of 1832 Halifax - the cradle of the industrial revolution - just as it's all kicking off. The drama will explore Anne Lister's relationships at home with her family, her servants, her tenants and her industrial rivals, who will use any dirty tricks they can to bring her down. At its heart is her relationship with her would-be wife, the wealthy heiress Ann Walker. It has all the warmth, wit, humour and complexity that audiences have come to associate with Sally Wainwright's writing.


    ~60 Min.

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    Faith Penhale, Sally Wainwright, Ben Irving, Laura Lankester

