Il Cacciatore - The Hunter
David CocoZu Beginn der 90er Jahre will der junge, motivierte Staatsanwalt Saverio Barone (Francesco Montanari), die Cosa Nostra endlich dingfest machen. Die Massaker von Capaci und Via D'Amelia, bei denen die Richter Falcone und Borsellino ihre Leben ließen, liegen noch nicht lange zurück. Im Verlauf seiner Tätigkeiten bringt der Jurist den gesamten Corleone-Klan zur Strecke und Hunderte Mitglieder der Verbrecherfamilie ins Gefängnis.
Barone hat seinen Vorgesetzten Salvatore Donà im Verdacht, mit der Mafia zusammenzuarbeiten und zeigt ihn an, was seine Karriere gefährden könnte. Dadurch wird jedoch Andrea Elia, der neue Generalstaatsanwalt von Palermo auf ihn aufmerksam. Die Serie wirft außerdem einen Blick in die Privatleben der Gangsterbosse.
Saverio Barone, a young, ambitious and unscrupulous prosecutor, is going through an important life-shaping event: he has just become a member of the anti-mafia pool. The main objective of this recently created task force is to hunt down and capture the most dangerous mafia bosses. The pool has its headquarters in Palermo‘s Hall of Justice, where Saverio is about to enter for the first time. The same day, the two mafia bosses Leoluca Bagarella and Giovanni Brusca kidnap little Giuseppe Di Matteo, the son of a Mafioso who is collaborating with the law, revealing important Cupola secrets. This dramatic coincidence signals the beginning of an obsession that will torment Saverio‘s whole life: to bring that boy back home safely. After the landmark trial of 1987 that saw prosecuting magistrates Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino bring 360 mafiosi to justice, the Cosa Nostra counter-attacks. Italy explodes, and the sky turns black.
Saverio Barone, a young, ambitious and unscrupulous prosecutor, is going through an important life-shaping event: he has just become a member of the anti-mafia pool. The main objective of this recently created task force is to hunt down and capture the most dangerous mafia bosses. The pool has its headquarters in Palermo‘s Hall of Justice, where Saverio is about to enter for the first time. The same day, the two mafia bosses Leoluca Bagarella and Giovanni Brusca kidnap little Giuseppe Di Matteo, the son of a Mafioso who is collaborating with the law, revealing important Cupola secrets. This dramatic coincidence signals the beginning of an obsession that will torment Saverio‘s whole life: to bring that boy back home safely. After the landmark trial of 1987 that saw prosecuting magistrates Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino bring 360 mafiosi to justice, the Cosa Nostra counter-attacks. Italy explodes, and the sky turns black.