Kanli Yayin
Bergüzar Korel, Caner Cindoruk, Serkan Altunorak, İbrahim Selim, Kaan Mirac SezenNeslihan, eine berühmte TV-Moderatorin, bringt Licht in Geschichten, die im Dunkeln geblieben sind, und hat ihre Karriere auf Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit aufgebaut. Ihr erfolgreiches Leben wird durch einen Mordfall, in den ihr Sohn verwickelt ist, auf den Kopf gestellt. Im Zwiespalt zwischen ihren Gefühlen zu Ihrem Sohn und ihren Prinzipien steht Neslihan vor der schwierigsten Prüfung ihres Lebens.
Neslihan Turhan is the host of the TV show One Truth. She touches people's lives, sheds light on the stories that remain in the dark, and built her career on the principles of justice. Her life is upturned by the death of Lal Kaleli, in which Can, her son, is implicated. Caught between motherhood and all the principles that she believes in, Neslihan faces the most challenging trial of her life.
Neslihan Turhan is the host of the TV show One Truth. She touches people's lives, sheds light on the stories that remain in the dark, and built her career on the principles of justice. Her life is upturned by the death of Lal Kaleli, in which Can, her son, is implicated. Caught between motherhood and all the principles that she believes in, Neslihan faces the most challenging trial of her life.