LOL: Last One Laughing Germany
Michael HerbigMichael Bully Herbig präsentiert mit "LOL: Last One Laughing“ die erste deutsche Comedy-Gameshow bei Prime Video: 10 Top-Stars der deutschen Comedy finden im ultimativen Wettkampf heraus, wer zuletzt lacht! Wer schafft es, ernst zu bleiben? Bei welcher Performance bleibt kein Auge trocken? Und wer bleibt als letztes übrig?
Michael Bully Herbig presents LOL – Last One Laughing, the first German comedy game show on Amazon Prime. Ten top stars of German comedy join in the ultimate battle to find out who laughs last! Who will be able to stay serious? Which performance won't leave a dry eye in the house? And who will be the last one standing?
Michael Bully Herbig presents LOL – Last One Laughing, the first German comedy game show on Amazon Prime. Ten top stars of German comedy join in the ultimate battle to find out who laughs last! Who will be able to stay serious? Which performance won't leave a dry eye in the house? And who will be the last one standing?