Mach den Unterschied mit Robin Roberts
Robin Roberts„Good Morning America“-Moderatorin Robin Roberts setzt sich in jeder Ausgabe mit drei berühmten Frauen zusammen, die persönliche und bewegende Erfahrungen teilen. Dabei stellt nicht nur Roberts die Fragen, auch ihre Gäste dürfen das Gespräch durch ihre Fragen lenken.
Get personal with Robin Roberts and some of Hollywood’s groundbreaking women as they bear witness to their incredible journeys on their path to purpose. Each episode is a profound conversation filled with emotion and inspiration. Listen to never-before-heard stories of how these groundbreakers came face-to-face with their vulnerability, authenticity and intuition. Discover their commonalities and learn how their stories and experiences created room for expansion and evolution.
Get personal with Robin Roberts and some of Hollywood’s groundbreaking women as they bear witness to their incredible journeys on their path to purpose. Each episode is a profound conversation filled with emotion and inspiration. Listen to never-before-heard stories of how these groundbreakers came face-to-face with their vulnerability, authenticity and intuition. Discover their commonalities and learn how their stories and experiences created room for expansion and evolution.