Marrying Millions
Gentille Chhun, Desiry Hall, Brian BluMarrying Millions folgt sechs Paaren, die tief verliebt sind und hoffen zu heiraten, aber aus völlig verschiedenen Welten kommen. Gewöhnliche Menschen werden von ihren Füßen geholt und in ein Leben auf hohem Niveau voller Reichtum gestürzt.
Follow six couples who are deeply in love and hoping to marry, but come from completely different worlds. Regular people are whisked off their feet and plunged into a high-end life of riches, extravagant experiences, and glamorous trips around the globe. On the road to the altar, the couples must try to bridge their vast differences and fit into each other's alien worlds.
Follow six couples who are deeply in love and hoping to marry, but come from completely different worlds. Regular people are whisked off their feet and plunged into a high-end life of riches, extravagant experiences, and glamorous trips around the globe. On the road to the altar, the couples must try to bridge their vast differences and fit into each other's alien worlds.