Pine Gap
Greg Haddrick, Felicity PackardSchauspieler:
Lewis Fitz-Gerald, Mark Leonard Winter, Tess Haubrich, Jacqueline McKenzie, Jason Chong, Parker Sawyers, Steve Toussaint, Stephen CurryIm Mittelpunkt der australischen Serie Pine Gap stehen die Interaktionen von Australiern und Amerikanern, die in einer australisch-amerikanischen Spionagebasis im Northern Territory arbeiten. Dabei geht es um die Frage: Was würde man tun, um die liberale Weltordnung des Westens gegen neue Supermächte aus dem Osten zu verteidigen? Es geht um Vertrauen, Betrug und Loyalität, auf der ganz großen Weltbühne.
Set in the hidden world of intelligence, Pine Gap exposes the cost of secrecy and the stress inflicted on nations and individuals when our ultimate loyalty is to our country and not to our partner. When a civilian plane is shot down over Myanmar, the search for the true motive threatens the famously strong American/Australian joint military alliance through conflicting interests, personal ideals…. and one tragic mistake.
Set in the hidden world of intelligence, Pine Gap exposes the cost of secrecy and the stress inflicted on nations and individuals when our ultimate loyalty is to our country and not to our partner. When a civilian plane is shot down over Myanmar, the search for the true motive threatens the famously strong American/Australian joint military alliance through conflicting interests, personal ideals…. and one tragic mistake.