Quicksand - Im Traum kannst du nicht lügen
Per-Olav Sørensen, Lisa FarzanehSchauspieler:
Hanna Ardéhn, Felix SandmanAn einer Vorschule in Stockholms reichstem Vorort kommt es zu einer Massenschießerei. Die 18-jährige Schülerin Maja Norberg wird unter Mordverdacht festgenommen. Doch was sich an dem Tag wirklich zugetragen hat, wird erst nach und nach bekannt.
Störst av Allt (Quicksand) centers around a mass shooting that takes place at a prep school in Stockholm's wealthiest suburb, and a normal high school student, Maja Norberg, who finds herself on trial for murder. When the events of that tragic day are revealed, so too are the private details about her relationship with Sebastian Fagerman and his dysfunctional family.
Störst av Allt (Quicksand) centers around a mass shooting that takes place at a prep school in Stockholm's wealthiest suburb, and a normal high school student, Maja Norberg, who finds herself on trial for murder. When the events of that tragic day are revealed, so too are the private details about her relationship with Sebastian Fagerman and his dysfunctional family.