Jacinth TanEr ist halb Hai, halb Hund, hat ein großes Herz und schlägt sich den Bauch mit Fischstäbchen voll. Mit dem kleinen Max meistert er jedes noch so verrückte Abenteuer.
The series follows 10 year old Max and his best friend Sharkdog - half shark, half dog, all appetite. Blissfully unaware of his own strength, stealth and general sharkiness, Sharkdog often leaves a trail of chaos in his wake. But, like all good half-dogs, he's Max's BFF and Max is his.
The series follows 10 year old Max and his best friend Sharkdog - half shark, half dog, all appetite. Blissfully unaware of his own strength, stealth and general sharkiness, Sharkdog often leaves a trail of chaos in his wake. But, like all good half-dogs, he's Max's BFF and Max is his.