Sleeper Cell
Ethan Reiff, Cyrus VorisSchauspieler:
Alex Nesic, Blake Shields, Grant Heslov, Henri Lubatti, James Le Gros, Melissa Sagemiller, Michael Ealy, Oded Fehr, Omid AbtahiDarwyn al-Hakim (Michael Ealy) ist gläubiger Moslem – und FBI-Agent in einem gefährlichen Undercover-Einsatz: Er soll eine Schläferzelle islamistischer Terroristen in Los Angeles infiltrieren, um an ihren ebenso fanatischen wie charismatischen Anführer Farik (Oded Fehr) zu gelangen.
Zu diesem Zweck lässt Darwyn sich in ein Bundesgefängnis einsperren, um mit den Terroristen Kontakt zu bekommen.
Doch etwas geht im Laufe der Ermittlungen schief. Und nun stehen nicht nur der Erfolg einer von langer Hand vorbereiteten Mission, sondern auch Menschenleben auf dem Spiel...
The controversial and unconventional drama delves into the harsh inner-workings of a Los Angeles-based Islamic terrorist cell headed by a charismatic and fanatical extremist (Fehr) and an Muslim undercover FBI agent (Ealy) who infiltrates it. Last year's mini-series featured a powerful and engrossing two-hour finale that will set the stage for the new Sleeper Cell, which will continue to combine timely, meticulously researched storylines and complex characters to create an entertaining and thought-provoking television event.
The controversial and unconventional drama delves into the harsh inner-workings of a Los Angeles-based Islamic terrorist cell headed by a charismatic and fanatical extremist (Fehr) and an Muslim undercover FBI agent (Ealy) who infiltrates it. Last year's mini-series featured a powerful and engrossing two-hour finale that will set the stage for the new Sleeper Cell, which will continue to combine timely, meticulously researched storylines and complex characters to create an entertaining and thought-provoking television event.