The Royals
Mark SchwahnSchauspieler:
Jake Maskall, Alexandra Park, Elizabeth Hurley, William Moseley, Tom Austen, Genevieve Gaunt, Oliver Milburn, Max Brown, Vincent Regan, Merritt PattersonKönigin Helena regiert gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann, König Simon, über England. Einst hatte Helena den britischen Thronfolger geheiratet, und nun versucht sie, die Zügel der Familie nicht ganz entgleiten zu lassen. Das Königshaus muss den Unfalltod des Thronfolgers Robert, der bei einer Militärübung ums Leben kam, verkraften. Durch diesen Schicksalsschlag muss Helena mit dem Verlust ihres Sohnes und den daraus erwachsenden Eheproblemen zurechtkommen sowie sich um ihre beiden anderen Kinder, Liam und Eleanor, kümmern.
The Royals is an hour-long drama centered on a fictional modern day royal family. Queen Helena and King Simon try to present an aura of class and grace to the public, but the truth of the family's life is much different, as tainted politics and family issues threaten to cause chaos and turmoil. The monarchs' rebellious daughter, Princess Eleanor, provides fodder for the tabloids with a life full of sex, drugs, and even hung-over helicopter rides. Her twin brother, Prince Liam, is a playboy who takes full advantage of being one of the planet's most eligible bachelors. It's a life Liam enjoys until his older brother -- and heir to the throne -- dies, making Liam next in line to inherit the throne. Power is everything, there are no limits, and trust is nonexistent for this royal family.
The Royals is an hour-long drama centered on a fictional modern day royal family. Queen Helena and King Simon try to present an aura of class and grace to the public, but the truth of the family's life is much different, as tainted politics and family issues threaten to cause chaos and turmoil. The monarchs' rebellious daughter, Princess Eleanor, provides fodder for the tabloids with a life full of sex, drugs, and even hung-over helicopter rides. Her twin brother, Prince Liam, is a playboy who takes full advantage of being one of the planet's most eligible bachelors. It's a life Liam enjoys until his older brother -- and heir to the throne -- dies, making Liam next in line to inherit the throne. Power is everything, there are no limits, and trust is nonexistent for this royal family.