The Spy
Gideon RaffSchauspieler:
Noah Emmerich, Sacha Baron CohenDer israelische Spion Eli Cohen (Sasha Baron Cohen) ist in den 1960er Jahren in Syrien aktiv. In seiner Undercover-Rolle und geleitet von seinem Mossad-Verbindungsmann Dan Peleg (Noah Emmerich) gelingt es ihm, sich in die High-Society einzuschleusen. So kommt er unter anderem auch in Kontakt mit dem syrischen Militär Colonel Amin Al-Hafz (Waleed Zuaiter), der in Elis Alter Ego einen politischen Verbündeten gefunden zu haben glaubt.
Mit seinen Erkenntnissen liefert Eli seiner Nation unschätzbare Dienste. Doch ihn plagt auch ein schlechtes Gewissen über seine Frau Nadia (Hadar Ratzon-Rotem), die glaubt, ihr Mann hätte einen einfachen Bürojob und die wegen Elis immer größer werdenden Verpflichtungen alleine für die Kinder sorgen muss.
The Spy tells the story of legendary Israeli spy Eli Cohen. Eli Cohen lived in Damascus undercover in the beginning of the '60s, spying for Israel. He managed to embed himself into Syrian high society and rise through the ranks of their politics until he was uncovered by the Syrian regime, sentenced to death and publicly hanged in a Damascus square in 1965. Cohen is considered a national hero in Israel. His actions, connections and immense sacrifice have had lasting consequences, shaping the Middle East of today.
The Spy tells the story of legendary Israeli spy Eli Cohen. Eli Cohen lived in Damascus undercover in the beginning of the '60s, spying for Israel. He managed to embed himself into Syrian high society and rise through the ranks of their politics until he was uncovered by the Syrian regime, sentenced to death and publicly hanged in a Damascus square in 1965. Cohen is considered a national hero in Israel. His actions, connections and immense sacrifice have had lasting consequences, shaping the Middle East of today.