Trophy Wife
Emily Halpern, Sarah HaskinsSchauspieler:
Malin Akerman, Bradley Whitford, Michaela Watkins, Ryan Lee, Albert Tsai, Marcia Gay Harden, Natalie Morales, Bailee Madison, Gianna LePeraIn der Comedyserie Trophy Wife geht es um Brad (Bradley Whitford), der als Charmeur mit einem ebenso eigenwilligen wie bezaubernden Sinn für Humor zwei biestige Ex-Frauen und drei manipulative Kinder hat.
Seine Trophy Wife, ein mittlerweile bodenständiger gewordenes früheres Partygirl, wird von Malin Akerman porträtiert. Für die Rolle von Brads einer Ex-Frau, Diane, ist Marcia Gay Harden verpflichtet worden. Diane wird als ehemalige Olympia-Schwimmerin beschrieben, die mittlerweile als Chirurgin in der Orthopädie arbeitet und mit Brad 15-jährige Zwillinge hat.
Michaela Watkins hat den Part der anderen Ex-Frau übernommen, Jackie. Die ist eigentlich wohlmeinend, aber sehr egozentrisch. Jedesmal, wenn sie mit ihrem Streben nach jugendlichen Auftreten und ihrer offenen Art aneckt, ist sie überrascht. Mit Brad hat sie einen Sohn, der von Ryan Lee gespielt wird.
They say the third time's the charm, and reformed party girl Kate is hoping that's true when she becomes Pete's third wife. She fell into his arms (literally) at a karaoke bar, and a year later Kate's got an insta-family, complete with three stepchildren and two ex-wives. Diane is ex-wife number one, an intense, over-achieving doctor and the mother of twin teenagers Hillary and Warren. Diane is quick to convey her withering disapproval of Kate's barely tapped maternal instinct. Ex-wife number two, Jackie, is mother to adopted son Bert, and can pull Pete's strings with her special blend of neurotic, new-ageyness. Juggling all this baggage is uncharted territory for Kate, who finds support with her best friend Meg, a party-hearty singleton and the only woman Kate knows who has less experience with kids than she has.
They say the third time's the charm, and reformed party girl Kate is hoping that's true when she becomes Pete's third wife. She fell into his arms (literally) at a karaoke bar, and a year later Kate's got an insta-family, complete with three stepchildren and two ex-wives. Diane is ex-wife number one, an intense, over-achieving doctor and the mother of twin teenagers Hillary and Warren. Diane is quick to convey her withering disapproval of Kate's barely tapped maternal instinct. Ex-wife number two, Jackie, is mother to adopted son Bert, and can pull Pete's strings with her special blend of neurotic, new-ageyness. Juggling all this baggage is uncharted territory for Kate, who finds support with her best friend Meg, a party-hearty singleton and the only woman Kate knows who has less experience with kids than she has.