Unit 42
Julie Bertrand, Annie Carels, Charlotte Joulia, Guy GoossensSchauspieler:
Danitza Athanassiadis, Patrick Ridremont, Tom Audenaert, Constance Gay, Roda Fawaz, Nola Tilman, Simon Caudry, Caroline Stas, Hélène Theunissen, Thomas Demarez, Michaël Erpelding, François Neycken, Jérémie Petrus, Baptiste Moulart, Christophe Sermet, Gaëtan LejeuneIm Keller der Brüsseler Hauptpolizeiwache arbeitet die Cyberbrigade der Polizei, die Unit 42. Frisch zur Einheit versetzt wurde der alleinerziehende Vater Samuel Leroy (Patrick Ridremont), der vom Morddezernat kommt und ein „Polizist alter Schule“ ist, der mit moderner Technik nichts am Hut hat. Er trifft auf die junge Idealistin Billie Vebber (Constance Gay), die frisch aus der Ausbildung und eher aus der Technik kommt – und insgeheim eigene Pläne verfolgt. Zusammen mit dem Rest des Teams versuchen die beiden, Cyberkriminelle zur Strecke zu bringen, die Dank moderner Technik anonym bleiben, während sie in der realen Welt für Unheil sorgen.
Unité 42 is a detective series, which carries us through the twists and turns of the Internet and emerging technologies. Modern technology allows criminals to act in the real world, all the while shielded by their computer screens. The police's Digital Unit therefore combines field investigations and virtual expeditions using a unique duo: Sam, a cop newly transferred from the homicide bureau (and not particularly tech-savvy), and Billie, a young, feisty policewoman and IT expert. They will need to collaborate, not without difficulty at first, before being able to learn from each other. For behind each case of cyber criminality, first and foremost, lies a human story to be told.
Unité 42 is a detective series, which carries us through the twists and turns of the Internet and emerging technologies. Modern technology allows criminals to act in the real world, all the while shielded by their computer screens. The police's Digital Unit therefore combines field investigations and virtual expeditions using a unique duo: Sam, a cop newly transferred from the homicide bureau (and not particularly tech-savvy), and Billie, a young, feisty policewoman and IT expert. They will need to collaborate, not without difficulty at first, before being able to learn from each other. For behind each case of cyber criminality, first and foremost, lies a human story to be told.