Bathsheba DoranSchauspieler:
Luke Treadaway, Benjamin Walker, Emma Appleton, Brandon Bell, Keeley Hawes, Michael Stuhlbarg, Stanley Townsend, Simon Kunz, Jamie Blackley, Cara Horgan, Brendan Patricks, Richard Goulding, Greg McHugh, Sam Hoare, David Hargreaves, Michael LandesFeef Symonds (Emma Appleton) ist eine energische und ehrgeizige junge Britin in ihren 20ern, die 1945 etwas aus sich machen will und sich der öffentlichen Verwaltung angeschlossen hat. Da ihre Familie sie weitgehend ignoriert und nicht unterstützt, wendet sich Feef ihrem aus Amerika stammenden Freund zu, der sie schließlich als Spion rekrutiert.
Denn unmittelbar nach dem Krieg hatten die Briten ihren konservativen Premiere Winston Churchill abgewählt, die Arbeiterpartei kam mit deutlicher Mehrheit an die Regierung. Die USA fürchteten einen britischen Linksruck, der sich in der allmählich bildenden neuen Weltordnung positiv für die Sowjetunion auswirken könnte. So wollte man einen einen Blick auf den ehemaligen Alliierten haben.
Traitors revolves around Feef Symonds, a bold and ambitious 20-something woman who joins the Civil Service in 1945, just as Attlee's Labour party sweeps to victory, defeating Churchill in an electoral bolt from the blue. Her ambition to make something of her life, which goes unrecognised by her family, is furthermore complicated by her American lover. Feef agrees to spy on her own government for the Americans, who have a hidden agenda in making sure England's burgeoning Socialist ambitions don't play into Soviet hands. Struggling to work out what she stands for, and what she's capable of, Feef must learn to think for herself and play by her own rules at a time when knowledge becomes power and nothing and no-one is what they seem.
Traitors revolves around Feef Symonds, a bold and ambitious 20-something woman who joins the Civil Service in 1945, just as Attlee's Labour party sweeps to victory, defeating Churchill in an electoral bolt from the blue. Her ambition to make something of her life, which goes unrecognised by her family, is furthermore complicated by her American lover. Feef agrees to spy on her own government for the Americans, who have a hidden agenda in making sure England's burgeoning Socialist ambitions don't play into Soviet hands. Struggling to work out what she stands for, and what she's capable of, Feef must learn to think for herself and play by her own rules at a time when knowledge becomes power and nothing and no-one is what they seem.